CMYK is an acronym for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. CMYK refers to the 4 primary colors of pigment used in 4 Color Process Printing. The CMYK color model is fundamental in the printing industry, dictating how colors are mixed and applied on paper. In full color printing, every image is color separated into Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black in specific dot patterns that vary in size and frequency to create a combination of any color with a fraction of the ink.
CMYK represents the four primary colors of pigment used in the majority of color printing. This subtractive color model is integral to the printing process, where colors are created by subtracting light from a white background. Unlike its counterpart, the RGB model used in digital displays, CMYK relies on the physical mixing of ink to produce the desired hues on paper.
UV printing is a unique method of digital printing utilising ultraviolet (UV) light to dry or cure ink, adhesives or coatings almost as soon as it’s hit the paper, or aluminium, foam board or acrylic - in fact, as long as it fits in the printer, the technique can be used to print on almost anything. As the printer goes on to distribute the ink on the surface of a material, the Ultraviolet lights follow close behind, “drying” or “curing” the ink instantly.
This technology offers direct printing capabilities onto a virtually limitless range of 3D media, allowing easy and quick product customization. This is one of the reasons why Ultra-violet printing finds its application in packaging solutions firms. The UV ink is printed directly onto the substrate and it gets exposed to UV light, it instantly turns to solid-state from the liquid.